Paint, Squeaky Swan!
I am back to painting!! This blog is my personal blog charting my progress towards becoming a better painter.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Workshop on the Eastern Shore

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Dead Tree
I've been out painting but not posting. I got really disgusted with the quality of the photos I was getting. So, I have been just painting! Last weekend, I got a new camera. So now, along with learning to paint, I'm learning how to use the camera. It is a little more than a point and shoot and it has been a long time since I used a camera that had the ability to do more than take snapshots.
Anyway, here's one of my latest paintings. It was painted at the end of 64th Street in Virginia Beach. It is painted on a 9x12 linen panel in oils.
Anyway, here's one of my latest paintings. It was painted at the end of 64th Street in Virginia Beach. It is painted on a 9x12 linen panel in oils.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The next statue was Phidias. The flies were gone by this time! (Thanks goodness!) I tried adding this to the last post but my posting skills are as limited as my photography skills! Also painted on a 9x12 linen panel.
Statues Again

Well, I certainly have been neglecting this blog lately. I have been painting though! Painting is much more fun than trying to photograph paintings and posting them to this blog! But it is raining today so I thought I would catch up a bit.
The first one is the first one I painted after the previously posted paintings. It is of Rubens. This was the second time I had tried for this statue. The first time flies were biting and I was not prepared. I had never had any problems at the gardens before so I hadn't stocked up on bug spray. The next time I went out to try and capture the statue the flies were still there but I was prepared! I was so prepared I almost made myself sick. Anyway here's the result from the second attempt. It was painted on a 9x12 linen panel.
Monday, April 23, 2012
More Statues
I have been able to get out to the Botanical Gardens a couple of times in the past few weeks and decided to continue painting the statues in the statuary vista. The first one is of Murillo painted on April 9th.
The second one is Crawford. He was painted last Friday which was the 20th of April.
The third one is of Canova. It was painted Saturday which was Earth Day and the Gardens were crowded! I seemed to be distracted a lot of the time and it shows! Also I was trying out different brand of panel on this one.
The second one is Crawford. He was painted last Friday which was the 20th of April.

They are all painted on a 9x12 linen coated panel.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
City Lights

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Two from the Botanical Gardens

This next one was painted about two weeks ago. It is a crabapple tree that was in bloom. This tree is huge! It is also painted on a 9x12 canvas panel.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Good Old Days
The latest assignment in the painting class I am taking was to do an abstract based on some pottery shards. I was very uncomfortable doing this project and felt I was floundering the whole time working on it. The Good Old Days is what I called it because that's what is reminds me of, days of my youth. We were supposed to add texture, which is not very visible in the photograph. The bright yellow band is textured, painted in bright iridescent gold acrylic. The patterned area is patterned antique tissue paper. The bulk of the painting is in oils painted on a 18x24 stretched canvas. I will probably paint on it a little more when I get the time but it is basically finished.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Last week, I was able to get out to the Botanical Gardens on a really lovely day. I found a nice spot in front of the butterfly meadows that had a view of the gazebo . Running parallel to my view was a fence that I relocated. Behind me was a very large magnolia tree so I couldn't step back and evaluate my painting. I noticed the fence's perspective was off when I got home and did a little correction, but much to my dismay, not enough. Anyway, here is the result. Painted on a 9x12 linen panel.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Old Point Comfort

Friday, March 16, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Spring Break
This week has been spring break from my painting class. It was nice for two days this week so I went out to paint. On Wednesday, I went to the Botanical Gardens cause I figured that some of the flowers would be in bloom. I wasn't disappointed; I found this bed of daffodils.
Painted on a 6x8 canvas sheet.
Yesterday it was windy with winds gusting up to 30mph. I didn't want to stress my new easel so I went inland where the winds were supposed to be less.

I ended up next to the dismal swamp and the Dismal Swamp Canal which is part of the Intercoastal Waterway. I hadn't been there since I was a child, which was a long time ago! The winds were there as well but the easel did fine (it didn't get blown into the canal!). This one was also painted on a 6x8 canvas sheet.
Painted on a 6x8 canvas sheet.
Yesterday it was windy with winds gusting up to 30mph. I didn't want to stress my new easel so I went inland where the winds were supposed to be less.

I ended up next to the dismal swamp and the Dismal Swamp Canal which is part of the Intercoastal Waterway. I hadn't been there since I was a child, which was a long time ago! The winds were there as well but the easel did fine (it didn't get blown into the canal!). This one was also painted on a 6x8 canvas sheet.
Work Still In Progress
Monday, February 27, 2012
Work in Progress
I have been working on this still life for a while, since last Thursday. OK, that doesn't seem long, but I have been to school three out of the past four days working on it. I hope I will get it done in time but who knows? The painting is on an 18x24 stretched canvas. I will post a picture of it when it is finished.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Cearphilly Castle
This is one I did for a Christmas present, not this past Christmas, the one before. Last month I was able to snap a photo of it. The lighting wasn't very good and the original looks much better. But, most of the paintings on this blog have really bad photos. I guess I need to invest in a really good camera but I'd rather spend my money on art supplies! The painting is from a photo taken a few years ago. It was a very clear, very cold day. I think it was painted on a 9x12 stretched canvas.
Monday, February 13, 2012
What Fish?
This is the latest still life from the painting class I am taking. The object was to paint glass and glass reflections. I had this glass cat with the fish in its belly and I thought it would make for a funny still life with an empty fish bowl. I basically used thalo blue, grumbacher red, lemon yellow, and a little burnt sienna. Oh and paynes gray for the fish fins. It was a fun painting! It was painted on a 12x12 stretched canvas.
Stone Bridge Again

It was painted on a 6x8 canvas sheet.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Mystic Still Life
Last month I re-started the painting class that I withdrew from in 2009. That is why not many posts last month. This is a still life from that class. The assignment was something shinny. I chose two crystal balls. One is a quartz crystal, not quite clear, and the other is a smokey quartz crystal, not quite clear. It appears that the painting is not quite dry.
It is painted on a 12x12 stretched canvas.
It is painted on a 12x12 stretched canvas.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Along Highway 158
I did this during the holidays when I couldn't get out to paint. It is from a photograph that I took on my way back from Raleigh in November. It was taken at a wayside along US158 in North Carolina.
It is painted on a 6x8 canvas sheet in oils.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
New Father
This is a painting I did for my nephew as a Christmas present. He is a new father. I forgot to take a shot of it before I framed and wrapped it. So I took the photo after he un-wrapped it. Needless to say, the photo isn't the best. But, most of my photos do not truly represent the paintings. It was painted on a 12x12 stretched canvas.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Backyard Marsh
Yesterday I decided to paint the marsh again, but a different view. And I tried something different. I used just three colors and white. The colors I used were cadmium yellow pale, grumbacher red, and french ultramarine. I was sorta pleased with the result but I wonder if a different red or blue might have given better results. It was painted on a 9x12 canvas panel.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sequoia in Fall
Sunday I went back to paint the Sequoia at the Botanical Gardens. I love that tree! Most of the deciduous foliage has disappeared. Winter is coming! I'm not looking forward to it. I may go back in the Spring and paint it again! it was painted on a 9x12 canvas board.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Well, I don't do portraits very often, but I attempted a portrait for a friend of my husband. Very challenging! This is third portrait I have done in the past three years. It is painted on a 12x12 stretched canvas. Haha, and I'm about to start another one for a Christmas present! I am going to try and paint many of my Christmas presents. Hopefully people won't mind!
Monday, November 28, 2011
First Plein Air Knife Painting
Friday, while most people were braving the malls, I went to the Botanical Gardens to paint. I am really going to have to start Christmas shopping sometime soon! But not while there is a nice day to paint!!! I thought that there would not be many people there, but I was wrong. I thought I would try the skills I learned in one of the workshops I took and tried painting with the knife on location. This was quite difficult! And the results weren't the best (but a fun time!). But anyway, here it is. It is painted on a 9x12 canvas panel.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
First Knife painting
This past weekend, at the Art of the Carolinas, I took a knife workshop. This is the result. I have never been attracted to knife paintings before, and I am still not. But the painting was very fun to do and maybe I will do some more! This painting was painted in about 45 mins! on a 9x12 canvas panel.
A Long View
Here's the first one I did at the Pinkum Garden event that was put on by the Charles Taylor Center in Hampton. The Pinkum Gardens are private and are located in Carrolton near the James River Bridge. The sun was really sparkling on the water which I didn't quite capture. Those brown marks in the water is an old pier. This event was October 8th of this past year. It was an enjoyable time as they all are! It was painted on a 9x12 canvas panel.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Art of the Carolinas

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Fountain With Palm

Friday, November 4, 2011
Yesterday it was a really beautiful day so I found a few hours and went to the Botanical Gardens to paint. I found a nice spot next to the lake and this picture is the result. It was panted on a 9x12 canvas sheet oils.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Across the Marsh

Yesterday is was too windy for the Botanical Gardens so I set up in my backyard in the mist of some trees. I did have a view of the marsh and of the neighbor's backyard across the marsh through the trees. (The marsh is mostly in my yard.) This was painted on a 11x14 unbleached canvas sheet, panted area about 11x13.5.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Cotton Field

This was one of the most fun times I have had painting plein air. I know the painting isn't the best but it was so fun, it is the only plein air painting that I have framed and hung! --a memento of a really great day!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Healing Garden
This is a painting that I did at the Botanical Gardens about two weeks ago. It needed some touch-ups so that is what I have been doing today. All of the paintings that I posted today were plein air paintings that needed touching up. Usually I do that sooner but not on these. The area painted is the Healing Garden. It is painted on a 9x12 stretched canvas.
Foot Bridge
This was painted at the Botanical Gardens last week. I did some touch-ups in the studio today. It was painted on an 8x10 canvas sheet.
Scenic View

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Fern Glade

Sunday, October 16, 2011
I did this painting for the October landscape challenge at Wet Canvas. This was my first challenge anywhere and enjoyed painting it. I usually only paint my own photographs or paint on location. This was from a reference photo posted in the October landscape challenge. It is painted on a 11x14 stretched canvas in oils.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Stone Bridge
This is yesterday's painting at the Botanical Gardens. Leaving this scene while going back to the car, I spotted some nice scenes that I am going to try and paint today. This was painted on an 8.5x11 canvas sheet, mountable to an 8x10 board (in oils, as usual).
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sequoia in Virginia?

This painting is painted on a 9x12 hardwood board.
Thursday, September 29, 2011

This is my cart with all my stuff that I cart around while I scope out a good painting spot. I really love this cart!
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Fork
Today it stopped raining enough for me to slip in a quick painting. And, I found another water view. It too is painted on a 11x14 sheet of canvas to be mounted to a size of 9x12. It was very soggy there! I think it is soggy everywhere! We have the biggest mushrooms growing that I have ever seen!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Rain, rain go away,
come again another day.
Oil and water don't mix!
Normally I don't wish rain away, but we have had enough lately! I want to go outside and paint!! I have an umbrella for my painting but not for me.
come again another day.
Oil and water don't mix!
Normally I don't wish rain away, but we have had enough lately! I want to go outside and paint!! I have an umbrella for my painting but not for me.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Yesterday's painting
Waterview again
Today I made it out to the Botanical Gardens intending to paint trees. I found this beautiful view and couldn't resist! It was quite an overcast day. I tried out a new painting surface. I bought a canvas pad, primed canvas in sheets, and taped one to a board. I figured if I get a decent painting, I can glue it to a board. Space saver! The pad is 11x14, convertible to 9x12 when mounted.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Today, I went back to the Botanical Gardens. I found a nice spot in the picnic area with a view of the causeway along the lake. The first picture is of my setup. I use the cart to pull my easel and bag of stuff around while looking for a nice spot to paint.
I could see the beginnings of fall. There was a yellow tint to some of the trees. I'm sure going to miss summer.
I painted for about two hours. The painting is 9x12 luann gessoed board.
I could see the beginnings of fall. There was a yellow tint to some of the trees. I'm sure going to miss summer.
I painted for about two hours. The painting is 9x12 luann gessoed board.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Plein air - Waterfall
Yesterday I went to the Botanical Gardens to paint. After wandering around with cart in tow, I found a small waterfall I decided to paint. The pinestraw along the bank of the stream (not to mention the rest of the painting) was very frustrating and I still am not pleased with the result. I spent three hours in the Gardens. The painting is on a 9x12 stretched canvas.
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