Monday, February 27, 2012

Work in Progress

I have been working on this still life for a while, since last Thursday.  OK, that doesn't seem long, but I have been to school three out of the past four days working on it.  I hope I will get it done in time but who knows?  The painting is on an 18x24 stretched canvas.  I will post a picture of it when it is finished.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cearphilly Castle

This is one I did for a Christmas present, not this past Christmas, the one before.  Last month I was able to snap a photo of it.  The lighting wasn't very good and the original looks much better.  But, most of the paintings on this blog have really bad photos.  I guess I need to invest in a really good camera but I'd rather spend my money on art supplies!  The painting is from a photo taken a few years ago.  It was a very clear, very cold day.  I think it was painted on a 9x12 stretched canvas.


Monday, February 13, 2012

What Fish?

This is the latest still life from the painting class I am taking.  The object was to paint glass and glass reflections.  I had this glass cat with the fish in its belly and I thought it would make for a funny still life with an empty fish bowl.  I basically used thalo blue, grumbacher red, lemon yellow, and a little burnt sienna.  Oh and paynes gray for the fish fins.  It was a fun painting!  It was painted on a 12x12 stretched canvas.

Stone Bridge Again

Last month I went out to the stone bridge at the Botanical Gardens to try out my new easel I got for Christmas.  It was a nice, warm winter's day and I was almost able to get two paintings until the wind blew off my second canvas sheet.  I must find some other way to attach the sheets to the board besides removable tape!  I had watched a video by Scott Christensen and I wanted to try his use of grays.  It was a fun day!

It was painted on a 6x8 canvas sheet.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mystic Still Life

Last month I re-started the painting class that I  withdrew from in 2009.  That is why not many posts last month.  This is a still life from that class.  The assignment was something shinny.  I chose two crystal balls.  One is a quartz crystal, not quite clear, and the other is a smokey quartz crystal, not quite clear.  It appears that the painting is not quite dry.
It is painted on a 12x12 stretched canvas.