Monday, April 23, 2012

More Statues

I have been able to get out to the Botanical Gardens a couple of times in the past few weeks and decided to continue painting the statues in the statuary vista.  The first one is of Murillo painted on April 9th.

The second one is Crawford.  He was painted last Friday which was the 20th of April.

The third one is of Canova.  It was painted Saturday which was Earth Day and the Gardens were crowded!  I seemed to be distracted a lot of the time and it shows!  Also I was trying out  different brand of panel on this one.

They are all painted on a 9x12 linen coated panel.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

City Lights

Here is the latest painting from the painting class.  The objective was to paint a night scene or an indoor scene.  I went through my photos.  I had night scenes but they weren't good for a painting.  So my husband and I went to downtown Norfolk and I started taking pictures.  I did't have a tripod and the only photo that turned out ok was the one that this was painted from.  It was painted on a 22"x28" stretched canvas

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Two from the Botanical Gardens

I was able to get out to the Botanical Gardens this morning before the storms rolled in.  This is a statue of Titian by Moses Ezekiel.  There are a number of statues of artists along a grassy mall and all are deteriorating out in the elements.  This was painted on a 9x12 linen coated panel.  I went out today and forgot to bring my intended painting surface.  Luckily I had some panels in the car!

This next one was painted about two weeks ago.  It is a crabapple tree that was in bloom.  This tree is huge!  It is also painted on a 9x12 canvas panel.